Reset your GloZone Password
We are excited to announce GloZone has been updated to Version 9.0. This new version brings a significant enhancement to the password workflow, providing an even higher level of security for user accounts.
If you have forgotten your password, there is a new way to reset it and to simplify this process, we have put together a step-by-step guide. Please follow along with the steps for resetting your password.
Note: Google Chrome is the only supported browser. We’ve tested it to work on Microsoft Edge. Might not work on other browsers like Safari etc.
Password Reset
If you have forgotten the password you use to log into the system, follow the steps below to reset it.
- On the login screen click on Set up a new password This will take you to the Reset Password page.
As shown on the Reset Password screen, enter your username and click Continue.
Note: Username is your first name and last name and NOT your email address
The next step requires you to insert the verification code that was sent to the email account associated with your username. Please check your mailbox and enter the code you received, then press Confirm.
If you have not received an e-mail, please check whether the username you entered is correct. If so, press Resend code and enter the code you received. If your username is entered correctly and you did not receive the verification code even after requesting it several times, you can flag this by clicking on “contact your administrator”.
Create a new, strong password. After entering your new password in both fields to confirm they match, click Change password to save your new password.
The Password changed pop-up will appear and you will receive an email confirmation stating that your password has been successfully changed. You can now press the Back to Login button and log in to the system using your new password.
Please be informed that now only you are responsible for creating your new password. Admin users will no longer create passwords on behalf of the users. This change aims to empower individuals with greater control over their account security.
Should you have any questions or require assistance during the transition, please don't hesitate to reach out to your contact in Global Lingo. We are here to ensure a smooth upgrade experience for you.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support.